Aloha Inspired Money Makers!

In Episode 9 of the Inspired Money Podcast's live stream series, “Investing for Impact: The Rise of Socially Responsible Investing,” hosted by Andy Wang and produced by Bradley Jon Eaglefeather. In this soul-nourishing episode, we are joined by an extraordinary panel of experts—Leo Babauta, Katie Cassidy, Matthias Olt, and Mark Ainley—to guide you through the transformative journey of intentional living and holistic home design.

LEp 9: Inspired Money Live – The Inspired Home: Designing Your Life with Intention



In a world where our surroundings profoundly influence our well-being, this episode serves as a sanctuary of wisdom. Whether you're yearning for a home that aligns with your values, nourishes your soul, or contributes to planetary wellness, this episode is your blueprint for creating spaces that are not just aesthetically pleasing but also soul-satisfying.


Segment 1: Sanctuary of Well-Being: Holistic Home Design for Intentional Living and Sustainability

Embark on a journey into the realm of holistic home design, where balance, flow, and wellness converge to create a sanctuary that nourishes both body and soul.

Segment 2: The 14-Day Minimalism Challenge: Declutter for Health, Happiness, and Purpose

Take the transformative path towards a clutter-free life. Discover how minimalism can serve as a tool for enhancing your health, elevating your happiness, and imbuing your life with purpose.

Segment 3: Unlocking Mental Well-Being: The Environmental Psychology of Home Design

Delve into the fascinating psychology of space. Learn how your home can be a sanctuary that positively shapes your mental well-being and emotional landscape.

Segment 4: Eco-Conscious Home Makeover: Energy-Efficient Design & Sustainable Living Practices

Uncover the secrets of giving your home an eco-conscious makeover. Learn how energy-efficient design and sustainable practices can make your home a friend to Mother Earth.

Segment 5: Creating Mindful Spaces at Home: A Journey into Self-Care and Conscious Living

Discover the art of carving out mindful spaces within your home. Learn how these sanctuaries can serve as havens for self-care, mindfulness, and conscious living.

Guest Profiles:

Leo Babauta:

Renowned author and minimalist lifestyle advocate, Leo Babauta's influential blog, “Zen Habits,” has been a beacon of wisdom on simplifying life and embracing minimalism since 2007.

Katie Cassidy:

Versatile American actress Katie Cassidy, known for her roles in “Supernatural” and “Arrow,” brings a unique perspective on the intersection of art, space, and intentional living.

Matthias Olt:

Celebrated architect Matthias Olt is a pioneer in integrating modern aesthetics with sustainability, setting new standards for environmentally responsible architecture.

Mark Ainley:

With two decades dedicated to the practice of Contemporary Feng Shui, Mark Ainley aids individuals in achieving life integration through a modern interpretation of ancient principles.

#Inspiredlifestyle #LeoBabauta #KatieCassidy #MatthiasOlt #MarkAinley #IntentionalLiving #HolisticHomeDesign #Sustainability #MinimalismChallenge #FengShui #MentalWellBeing #EcoConscious #MindfulSpaces #InspiredMoney #Podcast #InspiredMoneyLive #eaglesvision

Guest Links:

Leo Babauta:

Katie Cassidy:

Matthias Olt:

Mark Ainley:

This blog post is brought to you by Runnymede Capital Management, in collaboration with EaglesVision and the Inspired Money live-stream podcast series.

How important is giving back part of your life, purpose, and financial journey?